Monday, July 16, 2018

You did it to me

This space has been quiet for several months, but today I want to share some thoughts that I expressed at the recent funeral of a friend, coworker and fellow member of King of Kings. His name was Roger.
If you have been around the Lutheran Church long enough, you will have a complete understanding of what I am about to say.

Roger was an old Missouri Synod Lutheran.

Do you have an idea what I mean by that statement?

Let me tell you what it means to be an old Missouri Synod Lutheran like Roger.

The old Missouri Synod Lutheran knows when and where he was baptized into the Christian faith because he understands it was the most important day in his life, even if he cannot remember it taking place.

But he does remember the date when, as a young man, he confirmed with his own lips the faith in Jesus he received in his baptism.

He can tell you the names of his baptismal sponsors.

He knows that sin is his problem and there is nothing he can do about it by himself. Plus, God has already handled it.

He believes Jesus’ death on the cross and his resurrection from the dead is and always will be the solution to the consequences of sin for all of us. Because Christ was raised from the dead, those with faith in him will be raised to eternal life too.

Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the life,” and if God in human flesh said it, then we should believe it.

The old Missouri Synod Lutheran wears a suit to church most Sundays to give honor to Christ, who gave everything for Roger, and for you and for me too.

The old Missouri Synod Lutheran has been an usher for as long as he can remember and helps-out on clean-up days.

He serves God and the Church in ways that are useful and beneficial but not particularly flashy.

Look at the seat pocket in front of you and you will probably see a pencil. Go ahead, pick it up.

Nothing fancy. Just a regular Number 2 pencil. Recently sharpened, too.

And next to it should be some attendance cards. Take one of those also.

Attendance registration on one side. Prayer request on the other.

The old Missouri Synod Lutheran knows that some Sunday morning a person in this church, perhaps sitting exactly where you are now, will have just experienced the worst week of their entire life – the death of a loved one, a marriage that came apart, the discovery of a terminal illness.

One of us pastors will invite the congregation to use these pencils and cards to confirm attendance and to request prayers of thanks for the joys or healing for the anguish people were feeling at that very moment.

And someone sitting in one of these seats will reach forward, take a pencil and a card, and, for the very first time, truly seek Christ’s help and forgiveness.

And because the old Missouri Synod Lutheran and his faithful wife had dutifully seen to it every week...the cards were restocked...the pencil was sharp...prayers were raised to God...and God answered according to his will.

That’s how God works among us, you know. Through faithful Christian servants like Roger…..doing the little, barely noticeable, often routine things that aid in bringing people into contact with Jesus, their Savior.

“Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.”

Jesus said it, and the old Missouri Synod Lutheran believed it. Amen.

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Comments on this blog are expected to reflect the grace and forgiveness won for us through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

You did it to me

This space has been quiet for several months, but today I want to share some thoughts that I expressed at the recent funeral of a friend, co...